Your Credit Report Understand and Analyse

Your Credit Report explains your nature of paying back the commitments that you have and how prompt you are on paying the debts that you have. Credit Reporting agencies will do this job of maintaining your history and you are likely to have a record on your name if you are spending on the electronic way,using credit cards,buying the goods using debit cards, applied for a loan ... and so.

Any way if you are making all the transactions with live cash you are likely not to have a credit history with the agencies. This people even offer additional services like giving regular updates on your history and their basic job is to provide this information for the banks and lenders when they require this information.

What is a credit report ?

Credit report lists your Social Security number, current and past addresses, employment, loans, credit cards, mortgages, and all other debts. It lists what accounts you have paid completely and what are in pending and even gives information regarding the bankruptcies you have filed and in process.

When you apply for a loan or a credit card the corresponding people will have a glimpse of it and decide weather to give the favor to you or not. The agencies rate your financial behavior and repayment options,possibilities and repayment habits .

The report consists of your financial transactions of repayments ,credit card spending and even consists of your address old and new. It also consists of information regarding your location change with out proper information.

The items in credit score are listed as positive,neutral or negative. The negative report like overdue stays on your list for a term of seven years and it will be a tough line in the credit history and keep on punching your aspirations.

It also shows who has requested for your credit report and on what date. You can get a free report from each company once in a year. The report from each agency is going to be bit different and you have to keep all the reports at one place to come to a common conclusion. The company shall clarity on the issues that report has and expert human help is available from the company.

Can you get a free report ?

Once in a year you are having the right to get free credit report and from the appropriate agency You can get it and what is that agency depends on where do you live. To request your credit report you need to enter your social security number and this sites are secure enough to enter this number and they are protected from fishing and you need not worry about the hacking kind of stuff.

It is better get it from different agencies over the time to have a regular monitoring . The report is not going to have the credit score. For additional reports you shall pay the minimum and you can request over phone or via mail for fresh report.

Can you get your life partner report ?

You can not request your spouse report and this shall be done separately.Both of you can discuss and try to correct the problems that they have together and even can take an expert help. If some one denied a credit or job basing on the credit report you have the right to demand the same report with in the sixty days of denial.

What is Credit Score ?

Credit score is a three digit number which varies from 300 to 850 and the average USA credit score is 723 and it is also referred as FICO score as the company Fair Issac and Company has designed it. The score is a result of overall credit report in a three digit sum up and it is like a rating to judge the financial status and behavior of a customer. A good credit score shall start from 680 and it can go to any extend of 850 to be the best.

If your credit score is higher you will be qualified for the loans and credits that we apply and you will get the deal with small possible interest rate. The lender will be glad to give a loan to some one who has a good credit score and even they chase your mail and phone with offers.

You can not get your credit score free and the only freebie is the credit report and depending on the need you have to pay and choose the credit score at a time or at intervals. You can get it from


How to have a better Credit Report ?

1.Having less than 10 or 11 accounts either open or closed.
2. Less change of address happened in small times.
3.Regular employment with out frequent brakes.
4.Regular repayments of dues.
5.No over dues or forecloses.
6. A credit score above 680.

Having more number of accounts in different banks to get the wonderful offers and if you just open them for offers it is going to be reflected badly and be choosy and think about it twice before committing.

You shall not apply for a credit when you are not in need of it to have a better credit report.

Using credit card and paying back after the grace period is a issue as the company show that money as the balance to be paid in that month's report and your next creditor is not going to be happy with that.

Consolidating your student loan is also seen in a negative way be the credit reporting companies.

Take care of all the above mentioned issues and have a good credit report and and credit score.

All the best and your feed back is welcome.

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My credit check an introduction

My Credit Check An Introduction

My Credit Check is the frequent word that comes around our mind and heart and even disturbs us a lot or little bit basing on our financial conditions. Having debt is common now a days and it even turned as so common in life that people started taking it for granted and no one treat debit as a sin.

Credit is the way of getting the item and pay it later as per convenience.You need not pay the money at a time and do that in installments.You need to pay extra interest for using that money.Are you going to get the credit card and asked loan depends on what is your credit score.It is a three digit financial number which is decided on different factors like credit worthiness and payment history.

What is the way of measuring the credit worthiness depends on the place where you are living.The government will decide the way of measuring it.In United States of America,it is a three digit number and it is considered as good when it is above 700.

The life style that we want, the parties that we enjoy on week ends, the luxuries that we enjoy away from home, the new electronic fancy gadgets that we own above our financial positions are some of the reasons for excess debit that we enjoy ( sorry to say enjoy and if not bother) .

Having money to and commitment to pay it for some one for some investment or loan is all right and excess commitment is the concern and here we are going to talk further about it and how to check your credit and keep in control .

The consequence of not paying the debts is very serious and hard and if I start saying them no doubt you will be quitting from this blog. Yes the picture is black to that extend.It is the harsh truth that you will be denied new credits,your car will be taken back and you may be even asked to vacate from your home and feel like close to hell. If enough care is not taken to pay back the loans that you have taken you will fall into bankruptcy and the experience is going to be painful.

Some people use the ideas like changing to the new address with out informing the bank, opening bank accounts with out informing about previous bank details . These are some delaying techniques and the pity is bank will be keep on building the interest on it and one day they will find you and compel to pay the due. Rather you can choose to pay the minimum and your credit history will be good enough and you will get better credit score.

If you are financial emergency there are some options before you like

1.Pay minimum payments.
2.Request a VALIDATION OF THE DEBT under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
3.Ask a payment plan with the creditor.
4. Look for legal advice.
5. Get the help from family and friends for short term relief.
6.File for bankruptcy as a lost resort.
7.Work out a come back plan.

To Check your credit history and credit score with cool heart we shall assess your assets and liabilities and draw a balance sheet. Analise it and take some decisions. You can have debt which is necessary like mortgage,car for travel comfort with less possible interest and do remember that you shall save money for retirement and college tuition fee kind of requirements. Have a cushion for six months in the event of unforeseen job losses and safety.

Different kind of debts:

Secured loans where you give some control over the item purchased to the creditor as a guaranty and you have to give it back ( like a car loan) when you are unable to pay back as promised.

Unsecured loans are like credit card accounts where you have not given any security for the loan and creditor give you the credit basing on his pre defined conditions and do understand that you have to pay more interest for unsesucred loans.

Student loans are given by some one with federal back up and guaranty and as named they are given to pursue higher education and you can file a bankruptcy for this kind of loans and it is one of the reason for lenders having a lot of unpaid loans when unemployment prevails.

Mortgage is the loan given by bank to buy a house and you can not sell it without clearing that mortgage.The bank has a right to take it when you are unable to pay the loan .

Your Credit Score and credit history tells you how you are paying the debts that you have and they will be better if you spend your money wisely and shop with caution and patience. Know when each bill come to you and pay it on time to avoid late fees. One more important point is to update your address when you got a change and it shall not be the reason for paying the bill lately and pay fine.

The simple rules of buying are

1.Check the price tagged to the item and billed amount and weather they are same or not.

2.Look for errors in billing.

3.When you give your credit card see that the swap is done before you and no one is coping your number.

4. If dispute comes with buying look for mediation help and resolve your problems. Even arbitration a legal process of solving the disputes can help you to get the value for the money that you spend in the shopping goods.

5.Online buying has to fulfill their promises made on the advertisements and they are legally binding and they have to ship the goods on time mentioned.

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