Having a good credit score always gives you great advantage getting the required offers and loans at lowest interest rates.Thus having high three digit number is good and you can raise your credit score to the good value by following systematic steps.
Steps to follow to protect and raise your 3 digit number :
1.You shall use your credit card carefully to protect your high credit score or to raise your number well.Using all the credit available on the card effect your score and hurt your financial benefits in future.Use it wisely or divide it over different cards available for you. Using credit of 30% in the available sum make you better customer to the lenders and bankers.They love your financial decipline and offer better deals.Even you have all ready crossed this limits you can pay the dues and improve the magic number.
2.Having the commitment for the debits you have taken is very important to protect your report and even one late payment cost you a lot. Be cautions about the bills that you have to pay and consider at least paying the bare minimum to avoid the bad mark of late payment in the credit history.
3.You shall try your best to avoid the foreclosure.It is going to effect your magic number and be prepared to avoid it at all costs.
4.Declaring bankruptcy may save you from debits and it comes with many constraints.You have to not only surrender all your valuable assets than basic needs and also your credit score.It takes your number significantly lower and it is going to be in the records for a long fifteen years.This is only last resort to come out of financial issues and shall weigh pros and cons before taking the decision.
5.Paying the debits that the card has so that you will have 50% money available to borrow will definitely help you to improve the line of number.

6.Having a better and higher limit on the card will also help you to get better score and you shall try for that by negotiating with bankers and card lenders.
7.You can eliminate the errors that the report has which may be effecting your report.Check all the account details and see if they are mentioning any closed accounts still in the screen.Ask them to close the unwanted accounts and hence improve your score.
Understand and analyze your credit report
Black marks in credit report and how to correct them
Steps to follow to protect and raise your 3 digit number :
1.You shall use your credit card carefully to protect your high credit score or to raise your number well.Using all the credit available on the card effect your score and hurt your financial benefits in future.Use it wisely or divide it over different cards available for you. Using credit of 30% in the available sum make you better customer to the lenders and bankers.They love your financial decipline and offer better deals.Even you have all ready crossed this limits you can pay the dues and improve the magic number.
2.Having the commitment for the debits you have taken is very important to protect your report and even one late payment cost you a lot. Be cautions about the bills that you have to pay and consider at least paying the bare minimum to avoid the bad mark of late payment in the credit history.
3.You shall try your best to avoid the foreclosure.It is going to effect your magic number and be prepared to avoid it at all costs.
4.Declaring bankruptcy may save you from debits and it comes with many constraints.You have to not only surrender all your valuable assets than basic needs and also your credit score.It takes your number significantly lower and it is going to be in the records for a long fifteen years.This is only last resort to come out of financial issues and shall weigh pros and cons before taking the decision.
5.Paying the debits that the card has so that you will have 50% money available to borrow will definitely help you to improve the line of number.

6.Having a better and higher limit on the card will also help you to get better score and you shall try for that by negotiating with bankers and card lenders.
7.You can eliminate the errors that the report has which may be effecting your report.Check all the account details and see if they are mentioning any closed accounts still in the screen.Ask them to close the unwanted accounts and hence improve your score.
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