After the credit report from the respective agencies you can check for errors and remove outdated and inaccurate information.You can add fresh and present information which may give you better credit score.It carries the negative information about your financial behavior for seven years and correct information about you from many years.You will be able to see all the existing accounts on your name and you can identify the large number that are not used from long time.Creditors will not close the accounts even if you are not using them and you shall ask for it for the closing.
You shall check that
1.Your name is spelled correctly in the report.
2.Your social security number is correct.
3.Check for all the important accounts that you use are in the report or not.
4.See that the activity of the accounts like correct information about your credit payments.
5.See any accounts are in your paper which are not of yours actually.
6.Identify which accounts are showing negative information like late or no payments.
7.Check the accounts moved from one source to other or mentioned only once in the report.
8.Look for the correct address of you in the report.

Look for the accounts that are having a positive impact on three digit score but not mentioned in the report.You can ask for that addition. You can also ask for elimination of inaccurate data from your report and the credit agency shall shall follow the rules on that according to FACT Act.
Fixing and correcting errors in credit report can help you to improve your credit score and get happy offers at lower interest rates which in turn save your valuable money.

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