Your credit score and how is your credit report is very important to get the loans and financial credit deals at lowest possible interest rate .You gave found a house with all amenities with in your budget and it is near to your office and your son's school.The price is good and you will generally approach a bank or lender for the extra money that you need in the form of a loan.There the credit history and score comes into picture and they will actually decide weather you are going to get the loan or not.If they are positive and good bankers will be looking forward to give you the loans at lowest interest rate.
If your credit score is low you will be offered a loan only with a higher interest rate and you need to pay more per month for the same amount.That is why to get good deals keeping a good report and score with fico is very important and you shall start taking care about it as early as possible.It is important not only in the case of buying a house and it is also important for every financial deal that you are going to make and looking for money help in the form of loans.Credit history is going to make more your mortgage,car,education loan is more or less costly.

When you need to buy a big asset you may need money so that you can pay less down payment and get the deal from banks.This will help you to buy your needs with out spending all the money.Credit cards offer you free money for a month with out paying interest extra.This one month grace period will help you to buy what ever you need and pay it back with in the month of the billing date.Hopefully you can get money at the end of month like salary,interest or rent and the due with credit card.
As you know many of us are having a lot of debt's in the form of credit cards.A regular American is having commitment for 100K dollars and that is other than mortgage. Most of the people are conscious about their commitment and they used to pay back on time and get back new offers.It is like a cycle more you use the credit more the merchant offer for you and viceversa.Companies and stores started offering different cards for their own business.
Car companies started taking this advantage and give loans with very small down payments.This makes the four wheelers effort able to every one and transportation turned personal.Tourism industry and week ends turned more bright.
As markets are open for credit the consumer shall be careful before taking credit,buying a car and choosing a sweet home.We shall check weather we are able to effort them or not and how you are going to get the money to repay are the important questions to be asked before committing for a debt.

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