Managing today financial life and maintaining a good credit score is a tough task and you need to be up to date and computer and internet savoy for that. A small delay in payment will demand a late fee and also will be reflected in your credit report and damage your credit score. That is why it is said that managing money now a days is complex process and you need to be more vigilant in anticipating the problems.
If you are having a computer and connected with internet you are having lot of useful tools free to plan and execute the proper distribution of the money and get peace of mind.Sign up for net banking options and you can access all your transaction and to be paid details just at the click of the mouse and it is quick and real in time.You can link your credit card with bank account and you can pay the bills on time with out missing and late fee.This also helps you to improve your credit score and credit report.
Allow your paycheck to be deposited electronically and it will save your valuable time and you need not stand in the Que and try to make money transactions electronically that is via cards.Have your overdraft offer activated by the bank and that helps you form bouncing of a check by chance.The cost of overdraft is very small and including the used money interest in the name of overdraft you are going to pay less and it will take care of your credit score.
I am reminding you that it is over draft protection not the bounce protection.It is very costly and suggest you not opt for it.Some sick people add your bounce protection balance to your balance while you are using the ATM and there is a danger of drawing excess money and you need to pay high interest for that.
So do not look for bounce protection of your checks from banks or companies and ask for over draft protection.
Maintain some extra cushion money in your bank account and decide your self not to spend that one.It acts like a cushion in emergencies and also take care of unexpected late fees,bounced check fee etc.Banks prefer bouncing your small checks than bigger one and this leads to failing of many small checks cleared and you need to pay the fine for all of them.The small extra pad money that you are going to keep in your account will take care of all this issues. This extra cushion shall not be combined with with savings for dam urgent needs like medical bills or unexpected expenditures.
You can save money in small by making your own food and packing it to the office,not opting for premium television channels,Putting all the coins that come in your way at one place and put all that money in the cushion amount.Write a check for that amount on your name and never cash it.Feel like you have all ready spend that money and keep it in the bank account waiting for you.
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