Money Management and Controlled Spending

Majority of the financial problems comes in life due to over spending and excessive debt. Many people used to worry a lot about their investments and their future. They are afraid of lower interest rates and tax problems. We are very much influenced by the hype of media around us. Corporate companies spends a good amount of money in projecting their product as the best one for a particular need.

The advertisement gives such a message that if you fail to use that product, you will be in a serious problem. At many times the consumer is tempted to buy the product even when he can not afford it. Monthly bills with extra interest rate will automatically pile up and lead to money problems.

As many of us has never experienced financial problems for basic needs, we do not know the actual power money has on our life. Thus many people in the society has no control over their spending. As this is the problem with many people around us, we personally did not feel any thing wrong with it. We are only worried about not having every thing that we need.

This problem is very much high in the developed countries. The money collected from the taxes is used to pay school and college fees. If not there is a good chance of getting a student loan for all the spending needs. Once the education is completed and you fail to get a job, there is a fund for unemployed people. Thus right from the beginning many people in the society has not faced the money problems. They really do not how difficult it is to make a dollar. Hence they spend it easily and again fall in the depth trap.We shall realize the value of money and spend carefully only when it is needed. Money not spent is money earned.

You can buy any item you want with your money. But you shall understand that you cannot buy everything you want. The desires are unlimited and the resources are limited. That is why we shall control our desires. We shall spend the money only when it is actually needed. You shall cross check about wasting your earnings on unneeded items. Saving money is actually spending that money in a delayed time.

Saving your earnings gives you opportunity to see the good amount of money. Once you are able to find the sum in your account, you will get financial satisfaction and confidence. It gives you satisfaction as you see the result of your hard work. It gives confidence as you have extra money and you can invest it for the future. When you got extra money because of careful spending,you shall not tempt yourself and spend it quickly. Rather you shall think about future and invest it. As time progresses,the value of the investment grows and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

You shall save money for future. As time passes by the age is not going to support you to work hard. That is the time you need to have money. You shall save money for that time. When you are young and energetic you will get money. You can work hard and earn extra money. You can invest that money regularly right from young age.

As the time prolongs,this money will grow by a good percentage and gives you financial support. You shall learn living with 90% of your salary. Once you save this 10%, you can use this money for future investment. You shall save money not only for future but also for emergencies.

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