Warning Bells For Credit Crisis and Measures to Take

You need to have good credit score to get qualified for all the loans that you have applied for. Having a good payment history and good credit worthiness help you in making your credit report better. However there will be some signals which tells you about your future problems. To analyze what is your credit status is you need to have your credit report with you. You can get free once in a year from each of there agencies available.

A low credit score is a serious indication that there is going to be problem in the future or you are all ready in financial trouble. Late payments and high credit usage are serious reasons for credit score problems.

In general credit card statement comes to you free from the lender. This shall happen for at least monthly bills that they are sending it to you. If they are charging some thing for that is is not good reason to cheer. They may feeling that your credit is not secure and hence trying to create stumbling blocks. It may be the case that you are spending the available credit in a suspicious manner and you shall cross check about it. If you use below fifty percent of available credit, your case will be treated positively and paying the monthly bills on time will boost your credit score further.

If your credit card stopped working when you try to purchase some thing, your credit is in a problem and there is a crisis ahead and you shall start thinking about it. This denial may happen for many reasons like identify theft or crossing the limit available for you. In any way it is a serious reason and you shall fix the problem.

If there is a jump in the insurance premium all of a sudden, it is also a dangerous signal. The insurance company may assessed your profile as risky and hence your premium is increased. Say if you are living in a accidental prone area, they will raise your premium and this kind of things are many times out of your control. The reasons like bad driving record or bad habits may also cause hike in the yearly payment. This stuff can be controlled to make the situation better.

Carrying forward your monthly bills to the next month either by paying the minimum amount or not by paying any thing is a reason to worry. Having the tight money issues at the end of month is a early warning that there is going to be money problems and you shall start taking care of it.

Marring some one who is having a bad credit report may also put you in money and credit problems. The new joint accounts opened shall be used carefully. The spending habits of your partner, put you in financial problems and shall take a decision carefully.

You shall have some emergency fund for the urgent needs. This helps you from serious money problems.This can be used for both personal and health emergencies.

If some one is calling you every day about the bills to be cleared , it says that you have not paid the bills on time and you shall start taking care of it.

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